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January 1, 2012

A Chip off the Ol' Block!

So I finally got around to panting the outdated ugly knife block over the Christmas holidays. Of course like most all my do over projects I FORGOT to take the before picture, ug! The blocks are all pretty standard so you can just use your imagination, right!

I started by cleaning then lightly sanding and jumped in with a bold color which happens to be my fav.... RED! That took about 3 coats.  I simply used my handy dandy craft pant. I took some sandpaper and did a little distressing on the edges. Then I stenciled my last initial with a pop of aqua and I really like the out come.  I am starting to love these two colors together.....

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What do ya think?   Get out your ol' block and color your world and share the fun!

A quick tutorial
1. The obvious is to remove the knives from the ol' block :)
2. Wash it thoroughly and let dry.
3. If it has a shine  whatsoever on the finish you will want to lightly give it a sanding. Or you could slap a coat of primer on it. I happen to skip the primer step.
4. The fun part..PAINT it with a few coats of your favorite color until you get the coverage you like.
5. (optional) distress with some sandpaper or steel-wool.
6. (optional) Stencil something fun on the front or you could call it good at this point.
7. Add a finish to seal it off if you want to keep it from chipping and that's it you're done.

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shabby creek cottage

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