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March 10, 2012

RE Words.......

In DIY land there is a lot of discussion of the RE words. 

Repurposed ~~~ Restored


I happen to love repurposing and restoring.....

 taking things that no one else sees value in, discarded things,

 thrown out on the side of the road things

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 old worn out, dinged up things that are consider useless 

pieces that have served their purpose some say at one time in it's life but now headed to the dump

a little rough around the edges maybe 

with all the eye candy worn off


Webster definition of re-store


give back, return

to put or bring back into existence or use

to bring back to...or put back into a former or original start: RENEW

to put again in possession of something

wow now isn't that a beauty.....

beautifully restored
It took the beholder of the piece to look past the ugly 

the old 

to see hope, to see beauty in something that no one else could see

knowing this was going to be hard work,

scraping, sanding, filling in the broken pieces

ah! but the blood sweat and tears was so worth the out come in the end.

Webster definition of re-purpose

to give a new purpose or use

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you see the point of this post is not so much about restoring things as 

REstoring people
As mush as I love restoring things I love to see lives RESTORED

all the more!
There is so much more value in a person~~~~ in people 
but they can be discarded thrown to the side
seeming to be used up with no purpose in life
how sad

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There are countless numbers of hurting people in the world

with broken lives that feel there is no hope 

no reason worth living
NO Purpose

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But there is Hope 
There is a Master restorer
 He is the best at putting back together all the broken pieces
In scripture we can find RE words that give us purpose, give us a hope and a future.

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 
Jesus beholds the beauty in each one of us
Roy Lessin put it so perfectly and I had to share his thoughts

 means to be bought back, delivered, ransomed, or purchased. 

As our Redeemer, God has purchased our freedom in 

Christ from the slave market of sin, 

delivered us from Satan's power, and made us His own possession. 

We have been redeemed 

from a useless life

 to a fruitful life; 

from a life of bondage 

to a life of freedom; 

from a life of guilt, condemnation, and judgment 

to a life of forgiveness, justification, and peace..........

Restore means 

that God brings back and gives to us again 

what was once taken from us or lost to us. 

God assures us that what was lost can be found, 

what has ended can begin again, and what is no longer 

seen can be brought back into view. 

He can restore a broken relationship, 

lost health, 

a lost blessing, 

a broken heart, 

a former ministry, 

or a former joy.  R.L

You see, I have been 
I have been Redeemed!!!

Now those are shout-in words.

I know life is tough but no one has to walk it alone. 

My prayer for you today is that if you are hurting, depressed, hopeless, tired, weary, jobless,

that you will run to Jesus the one who can put all the broken pieces back together.

He alone can make al things new

I am thankful for his faithfulness

 his saving grace and putting my broken pieces back together.

What are you thankful for? 

I would love to hear.

PS: If anyone is ever in need of a friend or a ear to listen or to pray, I am an email away! 

Until next time,
Photobucket Linking Up To: SippyCupChroniclesFavoriteThingFriday

4 Thoughtful Comments:

Shabby Sweet Tea said...

What an amazing post! I may just have to feature this link on my blog for others to read. Well done!

Thanks for visiting Shabby Sweet Tea. I will follow on my way out.

Shabby Sweet Tea said...

Hey! Hope you had a lovely day. I just wrote a post about your above post! Check it out:

Wish I had a Featured button for you! I will soon and will let you know.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lori. Just found you via Elyse at Shabby Sweet Tea and she is right, your post is amazing. Thankyou for your beautiful words and for putting some things into perspective. I'm your newest follower.
Cas x

Shabby Sweet Tea said...

Hey! I hope you are doing well. I wanted to let you know that I now have a featured button. Stop by Shabby Sweet Tea and you will find it on the right side bar.


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